


We had a very nice weekend together. The four of us taking a weekend without plans head on. It hasn’t been our normal situation so far this year, and it is our last plan-free weekend for the next few weeks.


Gleefully and illegally removing pens from Mama’s desk.

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Zack and I are really into the newest Hawaii 5-0 series. We decided on Saturday to have a Hawaiian theme night, complete with fried Spam and fresh pineapple. Penelope cooked the Spam and Pineapple in a skillet all by herself! :)


The. Best.


Teething Mama’s girl  /  I rarely get photos of the girls sleeping, as I am TERRIFIED of waking up a sleeping child. Terrified! On Saturday, I mustered the courage to capture this sweet moment. So glad I did. :)


We took the girls out for a drive…at nap time. Not the best  idea we’ve ever had.


Sunday after church we decided to venture out again, just after  naptime. It was much more successful. We travelled to a neighboring town and tried a new park.

Our favorite children's book, is an old Winnie the Pooh chapter book. In it the characters play a game in which they drop sticks on one side of a bridge and see whose comes out first on the other side. We decided to give it a try with some random stuff we found on the ground. Amelia won. :)

The temperature is s t r e t c h i n g  right up next to 80 degrees tomorrow! My kind of weather! I am SO excited to have a camera that works (if you couldn’t tell by the 19 photos I just shoved into one post!). It has been nice getting back to my old ways of over documenting my children and our daily lives!

Hope ya’ll had a lovely weekend!

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