


We have really enjoyed the first half of Zack’s break. We’ve had a good balance of company, cleaning, resting, playing, and seeing new places. We still have at least one trip left to do, plenty more organizing this house, and playing to do before next Monday. Grateful for a Husband who teaches and the vacation times such a career comes with!!

The girls have been playing together a lot lately. Amelia used to be a loner. While she could entertain herself quietly reorganizing the movie drawer, Penelope has been requesting her presence as a playmate more and more.

This is what I find Penelope doing instead of napping.



Penelope helped me out with a few of those :)


For Christmas Amelia received a few books from the Antique store, one of which was a book from the Best in Children’s Books series from 1958. It has several stories, most of which are about children in different cultures. However, randomly in the back is an article of sorts about Japan. It in is facts and a map but it is not a story, which is why I say random.

Penelope called Grandma Penny and told her, “You lived here (Mt. Fuji), then you go waaaay up here (Hokkaido) and then you live here (The “Great Buddha” of Kamakura)!” – and she means in the statue :)

I of course had to let my mom know what in the world Penelope was referring to.

Uncle Joe and Aunt Megahn sent us Christmas presents!!! We finally threw out the box and bubble wrap yesterday. Penelope received a “Faithful Cubs” Berenstain Bears book – we’ve read it every night since it arrived!, and Mia received this Monkey (above).

Penelope has been doing some newly gifted work books for her morning school work. I really really really like these washable books and teensy markers!


We took down our Christmas decorations and began decorating for winter (mainly the mantle).


We went outside to draw with chalk in twenty degree weather, because we needed some fresh air. I may pay for it later, but it was fun!


A portion of the woods “we” cleaned up.


Zack’s sunset.

…show off…


The girls have been enjoying this whistle Zack made me for Christmas. It is lovely and sounds beautiful!!

We have some pretty exciting New Years plans!!! I am sure there will be at least one post on the subject. :)

Happy New Year everyone!

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