


Zack has four hour work days this week so I’ve “hired” him to be the photographer and follow us around. This morning he captured our morning routine of watering the garden and feeding the chickens. This is something we do two to three times a day. Its nice to have this in photos – with me in them!


Penelope really wanted to wear her robe outside. She even checked the weather on my phone to make sure it wasn’t too hot! She couldn’t tell what the numbers on the screen were telling her, but she assured me it was not too hot outside. :)


I took the wide angle lens off of the camera, and neither one of us are used to a standard lens. I still think this is a keeper…


We are letting some of our plants flower so we can grab some seeds for next year.


Basil will be snipped and dried soon. We have so much of it.


Our watermelon grew a lot in a couple of days! Amelia wanted to pet it…then Penelope want to pet it…?



Amelia was ready for a nap early today, so Penelope helped me feed the chickens. Amelia would be disappointed if she found out we fed them without her. We’ll just let her find out when she’s older and reads this.


The blue ‘castle maker’ is holding some beetle killer. The chickens love Japanese beetles! I think Zack should make something prettier (to hold the bug trap) for next year. He’s crafty enough, right?


Penelope has taken to throwing the seed, “like Belle” in Beauty and the Beast. The chickens are not as fond of this method. Ha!

After our outdoor chores we clean inside before down time or nap time.

I’m grateful for ladies who appreciate responsibility!

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