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We have been busy ‘winterizing’ our home. When we took down our Christmas decorations, we decided to keep things simple around here. Minimal. Day 7 into January and things are staying organized and relatively clean! For a family that practically hibernates in winter, it can take a lot of effort when it comes to make sure not to let things get out of hand. You know, 5 loads of laundry and its-so-cold-I-don’t-want-to-go-burn-trash so we have two and a half bags waiting to go out, kind of stuff.

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There was a day last week when the high got up to 36 or so. Naturally, we thought “PARK!” Really, I just HAD to get out of the house… We ate and then played for twenty minutes before I became too  cold. Worth it!

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We have been doing [Cosmic Kids] yoga every morning before breakfast. Helps us shake off that zombie feeling you get when you have to  crawl out of your warm bed and into a freezing cold house. Amelia does half of the motions, and then succumbs to the desire we all have. The desire to go back to sleep.

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Dancing to Disney and Abba albums whilst wearing princess attire has quickly become a new favorite!

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A new, and more popular favorite, is the swing Zack installed in the living room. –Oh, and Barbie movies. Penelope is nuts about ‘em!

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The girls and I have been trying new recipes all week. ^Spinach tortillas, pork meatballs with apple, onion, and parmesan cheese, a new [fancy] oatmeal each morning, lots  of homemade pizza, and different ways to fry fish. 

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Penelope and I started a new book, Five Little Peppers. We’re really enjoying it. I look forward to my one on one time with Penelope. Just the two of us snuggled up reading a “big girl book.” We stop every four words to a paragraph to explain what’s going on, and to answer questions she has. Such a nice way to spend our time together. I’m eager to Amelia to develop a good attention span to she can join in!

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The sunsets have been incredible. They fill our kitchen with the most amazing pink.


Her bangs were bothering her. She wants to try and grow her hair out, so I told her to grab a head band. Isn’t she adoooorable!!!

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Penelope had her first day back at school yesterday. Amelia and I went grocery shopping – a major highlight to those of us stuck indoors most of the winter!

I have a library trip planned for later in the week and maybe an indoor pool next week, any other ideas to get out of the house in a place with nowhere to go??

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