Last Friday, we took the girls to a movie night at the pool, and followed a fun night up with a full day in St. Louis- just me and the girls. We attended a birthday party, saw Aunt Audrey at work, went shopping, and spent time with grandparents.
Sunday as we’re pulling out of the church parking lot, Zack says, “Want to go to Elephant Rocks?” (which is an hour and a half away from where we live.) Truthfully, I wanted a nap, but I can’t say no to 1) getting out of the house 2) a long drive down a country road 3) hiking of any kind, or 4) my husband. Ha. Seriously, he’s such a stud.
I’m so grateful for a spontaneous husband who loves adventure & doing things with his family.
Last time we were here, Zack and I were helpers with the youth group at our church, and we stopped in on our way to Camp Ethyl, back in 2009. I miss that group of people we grew so close to over our five years with them.
We studied every type of moss that crossed our path. The girls managed to fill my pockets with different types as we traveled.
Both of the girls were fearless. Amelia wasn’t allowed to explore so willy-nilly, but we let Penelope soar within 20 feet of us. It was such a fulfilling experience for Zack and I (and Penelope!) to watch her develop in a new, positive way.
There are “Engine house ruins” along the trail. I’m still unsure of its purpose, but it sure was neat.
We have plans to go back there soon, and to Johnson’s Shut-in’s State Park. I am so ready for warmer weather!
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