
Visits with Friends

I mentioned in the last post that my mother-in-law is having company tonight, so in an attempt to keep the house clean, Penelope and I spent the day out of it.
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I woke Penelope up at 9:30 because, well, I’m bored with out her. After breakfast, we went to visit Grandma Shooie (my mother-in-law) at work and show off Penelope’s pig tails and general cuteness. We followed that up with a visit with my friend from my last high school, Marie. Short but sweet at only and hour long, hopefully we’ll get together again soon! Hint hint, Marie…
After that we picked up some lunch and went to go see Zack on his lunch break and are now back at home giving Penelope a nap to recharge her batteries. In less that an hour, we’ll be back on the open road to pick up Zack and go out for supper somewhere. I always claim “Not it!” when it comes to choosing where to eat, or anything for that matter, so I can’t give you the delicious details as to our future dining experience…sorry, I’m sure you are all dying to know…
Penelope eating Daddy’s cookie at our visit with Marie.
Hopefully everyone has a relaxing but adventurous Wednesday as well!
- - So You Think You Can Dance is on tonight! Hooray! For two hours tonight, I will think I can dance!

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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