You may have noticed, if you read this on the regular, I post frequently about our trips to the park. We adore our park and can’t seem to think of anywhere we would rather spend our Saturdays.
So, if you enjoy that sort of thing, here are a billion more photos on the subject!
Ah, the hug. Amelia is a hugger and a back patter. Nothing makes me feel more loved that one of Mia’s back pats.
Penelope requested a picnic. We couldn’t resist. We put our projects on hold, packed a lunch, and found a nice spot at the park.
This park still has metal play equipment. Fun stuff. It is full of old trees, so much of the ground is covered in leaves.
Penelope really wanted to play on “the snake,” which I believe is supposed to be a spider…? Either way, I find it creepy.
She made a “castle” out of pebbles.
I was able to enjoy swinging with mah’lady. Time with her is always precious.
I know this time (both the time when she will fit on my lap well enough to share a swing, and the times when she will sit on my lap to swing) will fade and she will no longer be so in love with Mama.
I am a sponge and I plan on soaking up as much love as I can from her.
The good love.
The unconditional love for numero uno in her life.
For now I am her best friend and I am going to milk it!!
Did your heart just melt? I am one hundred percent jealous of my husband right now.
Speaking of best friends…
Would you look and A’s wittle bitty face? Don’t worry I will squeeze those cheeks for all of you.
So so grateful for a beautiful state park so close to home!! We had no idea it was here when we bought our house.
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