


Dear Rae,

Sunday afternoon I had to wake you up from what had become a five hour nap. It took a lot of work on my part to get you to wake up. You looked so big spread out in your little cubical. I should have left you in this peaceful state, but Daddy had you in the morning so I could sleep in and I had yet to see you. I missed you.

You may ask, as you look back on this, “Why did I sleep with so many blankets?” I won’t have an answer for you, and I have no idea how they manage to rest with you in your crib every afternoon.

For the past two months you have been sucking on your blanket as a way of helping you fall asleep. Teething has not been kind to you. At the moment you have three molars coming in. Selfishly, I grin at this. You want to snuggle all day when your teeth are about to break through your swollen, white gums. I love being your safe place. Your 5ml of Tylenol. Yes, even your Kleenex. I would bear the pain for you if I could.

Another sign that you are growing is the bowl of yogurt, two eggs, one banana, two oranges, five and half prunes, and 43 cheerios you devoured for breakfast this morning.

2T clothing is becoming a thing of the past for our household. I am grateful you are healthy, smart, and able. You make me happy, Rae.

As I type this, you are on your third hour of sleep. It is 1:24 and I miss you. The house is too quiet.

Wake up soon, okay?

I love you,


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