
Looking Ahead

I cannot believe tomorrow begins December! This month flew by. I feel like I spent half of it in the hospital. I am looking forward to December! Zack only has two more weeks before Christmas break, I can’t wait!
This weekend, my best friend and her kids might come for a visit with her husband and four kids!
Christmas break will be wonderful. Six days of family time, followed by Christmas Eve and Christmas at home with just the Hubs and my beautiful little ladies, followed by more days off to enjoy Zack being home until School starts back up again! I’m so excited!!
Today has been surprisingly wonderful. Not that all of my days aren’t good days, I really can’t complain, but I thought today would be an ordinary run-of-the-mill day. Zack has been sticking around longer in the morning and even eating breakfast [OH MY!], he feeds Amelia before he gets ready for work and puts her back to sleep, so my mornings are easier. Therefore, he adds more time to his getting ready time and we get a few minutes with him when we wake up, and lemme tell ya  Penelope and I are loving it!
Well, anyway Amelia didn’t go back to sleep, she just peacefully enjoyed being awake until 10:15 – that’s four hours folks! She is officially not a newborn at 3 weeks old today! Hooray! Not that sleeping 95% of the time wasn’t wonderful, I just really enjoy hanging out with the munchkin.
Penelope and I enjoyed oatmeal and completed some more worksheets all while watching WALL-E, which we haven’t seen in a long time. After Amelia fell asleep for her first nap of the day, I took the girls out for a walk. The weather is awesome today. 60o and sunny, yes please! Penelope’s walk home was dramatically slower than that of her walk away from our house, so I enticed her with a promise to play ball when we got home. SOLD!
We followed that up with some good ‘ole porch swingin’ and forced cleaning up of toys inside the house. That last one she wasn’t so impressed by…
Zack arrived home for lunch and then the ladies of the house hunkered down for naptime. Sadly I hit an “official” step today as well, my mind and body are officially un-pregnant. I hate naps again. The headaches and grumpiness have taken over and naps are no longer enjoyable (tiny violin). Now I’ll have to do things while my girls enjoy those sweet sweet naps.
Zack came home early and is now passed out on the couch. Ha!
Well, I’m off to go not-nap. Happy Friday!!!

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